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Director: Simon Bowen

Choreographer: Laura Dickons

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘The show returned by popular demand and this time at the Regent Theatre. After financially suffering with ‘The Producers’ it was felt that we could repeat this popular show at a bigger theatre. With Simon Bowen returning as director and Mike Wren as MD we welcomed Laura Dickons as choreographer, having been involved with the Society since 1997 and now running her own Theatre School in the town. Some new faces this year in the brave men’s line up, and all concerned enjoyed having a second bite at the cherry. Audience wise, well, you can’t go wrong and for the cast just a bundle of fun.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘Our annual trip comes round again at Henley and an ever more ambitious programme. This year produced and directed by the group’s leaders, Mary Meredith, Wendy Gosling and Judy Wadman. A great family atmosphere and a packed two performances.’



Producer: Stephanie Brown

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Spa Pavilion, Felixstowe


‘This year’s extravaganza at the Spa, directed by Stephanie Brown again along with her new team, celebrated 25 years of Les Miserables and we were lucky to have Martin Warden, who had appeared in the London production, get permission to perform a wonderful selection which he directed. Martin also appeared in this year’s show backed by the ensemble. Other highlights were ‘Sister Act’, Andrew Burkes’s arrangement of Frankie Valli and a selection celebrating the 80th Birthday of Stephen Sondheim with a powerful arrangement of his music by Richard Healey. Some challenging music for the company but with Dean Wales pulling it all together as Host it certainly paid off.’




Director: James Hayward

Choreographer: Laura Dickons

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘Last presented back in 1974 it’s back to ‘The Black Hills of Dakota’ and a welcome change to a Western this time. It’s increasingly difficult now to choose a show in the present climate with an abundance of groups now staging musicals. We were delighted to welcome back James Hayward as director along with Laura Dickons and Mike Wren. Some of the cast made a trip to Valley Farm, Wickham Market for publicity photos and all involved in the show had a whip- cracking week. Despite good reviews there were disappointing numbers through the door resulting in a financial loss. There were at least four other choices for audiences in Ipswich that week and it just highlights how vulnerable we all are.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘Following last year's concert, Mary Meredith retired as group leader and sincere thanks was extended to Mary who has worked tirelessly with the youngsters for many years.  This year, Lesley Rawlinson leading Judy Wadman, Wendy Gosling and Darren Nunn produced and directed the show with both performances selling out very quickly.  A nice change this year was the children introducing themselves and compering the show.  Performance pianist Andrew Burke ably accompanied another very successful production.’



Producer: Stephanie Brown

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Spa Pavilion, Felixstowe


‘Our annual 'get in' at the Spa Pavilion this October was somewhat different.  In souring temperatures more likened to July, we trundled along with our costumes through a packed Felixstowe, cars everywhere and a beach full of sunbathers and swimmers.

Stephanie Brown led the production team for a third time, ably assisted by Mike Wren, Martin Leigh, Margaret Mudd, Laura Dickons and Catherine Roberts.  Our compere this year was Norman Rutterford pulloing together a wonderful variety of selections. Highlights included a powerful arrangement by Richard Healey of Phantom of The Opera, celebrating 25 fantastic years, along with Disney, Rock 'n' Roll, Hollywood, Chess, Andrew Burke's arrangement of John Barry numbers and our 'Old Biddies' number now becoming a regular feature.  After five successful performances we left the theatre on the Saturday night in a somewhat cooler temperature but, hey, what a bonus the heatwave was!  Sounds Familiar subsequently went on to win Best Musical in region 12 and also the Shield for Best Production in a category that includes musicals, Pantomimes and Plays, so well done to all.’




Director: James Hayward

Choreographer: Laura Rimmer

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘Last performed at the Regent Theatre by the Society in 1980, this popular show has all the ingredients to put 'bums on seats'.  With James Hayward, Mike Wren and Laura Rimmer (nee Dickons) on board as Production Team again, this show was staged beautifully with a very strong cast all putting in their own 'oom pah pah'.

Very fitting indeed in the year celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the birth of England's Greatest Novelist Charles Dickens.  Dickensian London never looked so good.  The 25 children, many from our First Stage group, excelled themselves and were a treat to work with.  Mention must be made of Dolly the bull terrier who was such a joy to be around.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘A change in format this year as our youngsters tell a story of a family of Aliens who visit our planet and are informed through music, dance and dialogue of the life on Earth.  The show was written, directed and produced by Lesley Rawlinson and Judy Wadman, assisted by many helpers.  Well done to all involved on stage, behind the scenes and front of house.  Another successful and well supported weekend in Henley.’



Producer: Stephanie Brown

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Spa Pavilion, Felixstowe


‘A move away this year from our usual Sounds Familiar with the concert presentation of timeless music and song.  With the uncertainty of the future of the Spa and whether our date would be honoured it proved a welcomne change.  It was a broad spectrum from our repertoire and included Irving Berlin, Rogers and Hammerstein together with Stephen Sondheim, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Queen.  Mike Wren was Director and was assisted by Stephanie Brown and Bridget Jackaman, with wonderful arrangements by Andrew Burke.  Several members of the cast took turns to introduce each section which proved very successful.  There were four performances this year from Thursday to Saturday and attendance was disappointing.  However, in the economic climate it is not surprising the Spa is struggling to keep its doors open.  Many of us felt that maybe this really would be our last production after so many wonderful years.’




Director: James Hayward

Choreographer: Mark Connell

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘A new musical score for us all to learn with this wonderful, modern, exciting and devilish show.  Alongside director James Hayward and MD Mike Wren, we were delighted to welcome back Mark Connell as choreographer bringing his years of West End experience to the team.  With the dedication of our stage crew and also the Regent's own team we were able to 'Fly' our three gorgeous talented witches creating a magical moment at the end of the First Act.  The whole cast thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of the music and choreography especially in the ensamble numbers.  The Evening Star review heded up 'Entertaining take on Devilish and risqué tale' and perhaps the risqué element kept our audiences away as sadly we played to small houses resulting in a financial loss.  Despite this, it was a great theatrical success and the challenge of filling the theatre remains an ongoing situation.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘This year our two days at the Henley Community Centre in June featured well-known children's books brought to life.  Lesley Rawlinson and her team should be congratulated on their hard work throughout the year, encouraging and coaching the children.  The programme included 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', 'Winnie the Pooh', 'Harry Potter' and many more.  As always another tweo successful well-supported parformances.’



Producer: Martin Leigh

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: Seckford Theatre, Woodbridge


‘With the closure of the Spa Pavilion in January a new and exciting change of venue this year to the Seckford Theatre in Woodbridge.  The ambience and intimacy of this theastre worked very well with our format which consisted of last year's concert style adding splashes of Sounds Familiar Movement.  The theme running through was most popular and awarded material across theatrre and film, plus some additional items to enhance a varied programme.  The production team was headed by Martin LKeigh, ably assisted by MD Mike Wren, Stephanie Brown, Kelly Head, Bridget Jackaman and Martin Warden.  Through a warm summer the cast enjoyed rehearsing 'Showboat', 'Chorus Line', Disney, 'Hair' and the Golden Years of MGM to name but a few.  With a smnaller theatre and less seats available we opened on Tuesday and our six performances were fairly well supported, picking up on Friday and Saturday.  Our first time at Seckford was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for everyone and we look forward to carrying on what we love to do next year.’




Director: Martin Warden

Choreographer: Mark Connell

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘Last performed at the Regent Theatre by the Society in 2003, we return to that wonderful rock opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber again.  Always popular with Audiences, this time we had on board two ex West End performers at the helm.  Martin Warden as Director and Mark Connell as Choreographer along with our resident MD Mike Wren.  With their wealth of experience, the cast rose to the occasion both creatively and vocally in what is a challenging score to say the least.  Our brilliant backstage technical crew were ably assisted by a fully qualified company who came in to oversee the staging of the hanging of Judas which was particularly crucial to the visual effect.  We played to good houses and in the financial climate it gives the society a longer lease to continue with future productions for the enjoyment of all.  At the NODA East Region Awards for 2014, the show won Best Musical in the District, Best Production in the District and the coveted 'Councillors Cup'  Wow! Well done to everyone.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘Another wonderful opportunity for our youngsters to perform this specially written script by Ben Akers.  It centred around the school where both the younger and older pupils staged very amusing auditions.  Thanks as always to Lesley Rawlinson and her team for all their hard work, with a special mention to Emma Haggar, Rehearsal Pianist and Andrew Burke who played for the two performances.’



Producer: Mike Wren

Venue: Seckford Theatre, Woodbridge


‘Our second year at Seckford Theatre and a lovely varied programme to suit all tastes.  We welcomed several newcomers this year and with the labour club temporarily out of use, we found ourselves sitting in the Norbridge Social Club and Larchcroft Assension Hall to rehearse.  It was strange at first after so many years at the Labour Club.

This year the production team was led by MD Mike Wren, assisted by Margaret Mudd and Tony Gomez providing administrative help.  They put together a wonderful selection of Music Hall, Remembering the Great War, Broadway and Miss Saigon plus a few comedy touches.  Thanks to great publicity, our audiences increased this year and hopefully we have established our move to Woodbridge.’




Director/Choreographer: Mark Connell

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘As we celebrate our 60th Anniversary year, this legendary Andrew Lloyd Webber show is a fitting and challenging choice in terms of musical score and staging.  With the West End's production 20 years ago with a magnificent two-tier stage, we had a lot to live up to at the Regent.  Mark Connell as Director and Choreographer and Mike Wren as MD certainly stretched us creatively and vocally to our limits.

The show is led by four strong principals along with ensemble pieces adding some lighter relief to the drama of the piece.  Our 15 strong orchestra excelled playing the incredible haunting score with beautiful songs.  Sadly numbers through the door were small and disappointing.  However, despite this for all of us involved and those who did support us with the Evening Star declaring 'another triumph for Ipswich's much loved amateur group' it seems the choice and availability when choosing future shows for the Society remains its single most challenging decision for the years ahead.  Subsequently, the show went on to win NODA Best Musical in the district and our Norma Desmond, Stephanie Brown won Best Actor.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘This year for our youngsters a tale of a family of children visiting their grandparents on a Sunday afternoon and experience a power cut.  Written by Elicia Gilbert, one of the leaders.  The children have to make their own entertainment and perform pieces from TV shows and musicals.  By way of a change, backing tracks were used this year.  Over 230 people attended over two shows.  Thanks to Darren Nunn and his co-leaders who continually work hard throughout the year and all who worked back stage to make this a memorable weekend.’



Directors: Stephanie Brown & Bridget Jackaman.

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: Seckford Theatre, Woodbridge


‘To continue with our 60 years of entertainment, this year's production at Seckford Theatre covered as many numbers from our repertoire over the decades as possible.  An almost impossible task to fine tune, we started in the Fifties up to the present with a multitude of vocal styles and a dash of comedy too.

This year's Artistic Directors, Stephanie Brown and Bridget Jackaman worked tirelessly alongside MD Mike Wren.  Since 1955 the Society has tackled everything from 'The Merry Widow' to 'The Full Monty' and this year's production was a wonderful showcase to display our range of talent, from those of us who have been around for most of the decades, to our ever growing number of talented youngsters who have so much to look forward to.’




Director: Mark Connell

Choreographers: Rosie Fuller and Catherine Roberts

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘We last performed this first collaboration between Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein in 1981.  Previous to that the Society's first production of Oklahoma in 1964 was my first show so I have fond memories of playing with House Full signs on display.

Things have moved on a long way from those days and our production this year put across a strong message with that wonderful number 'The Farmer and the Cowman' and all its rivalries, that everyone should work together towards a better future.  Very relevant in todays' world.  Mark Connell was on board as Artistic Director along with MD Mike Wren and they were joined by Rosie Fuller and Catherine Roberts taking care of the choreography.  We were able to use our principals in the ballet which is such a bonus to the continuity of the production as these are usually replaced with dancers.  Eight children from First Stage also joined us on stage.  With Lesley Rawlinson leading our team of wardrobe helpers and sourcing costumes locally in the main, saving was made in that area which contributed to the show making a profit this year.  Despite playing to disappointing numbers through the door it was well received by all who attended and we look forward to our next production at the Regent.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘A lovely choice for First Stage to embark upon this year with loads of scope for both groups to get their teeth into.  It was entertaining with lots of laughs and the music sung beautifully.  Thanks to all the leaders and helpers backstage who give so much of their time throughout the year.  There were three performances at Henley this year and it gave the children that added bonus.  Another very successful weekend.’



Director: Sam Horsfield

Assistant Director: James Hayward

Choreographer: Rosie Fuller

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘A departure from our usual Autumn schedule this year as the Society embarks on a second book show at the Regent.  A very fitting choice near to Christmas to attract audiences of all ages and one of the greats that stands the test of time.  Technically, a very demanding show.  Our production team was Sam Horsfield (who has a long standing love affair with the show) as Director, assisted by James Hayward.  Also on board, Rosie Fuller, Choreographer and Mike Wren MD.

With a large cast, most of the children involved were from our First Stage group, yet again giving them the experience of performing on the big stage.  After 'doggy' auditions held in Woodbridge, our Jack (Toto) was chosen and was expertly handled and thoroughly spoilt at rehearsals.  Lesley Rawlinson led a wonderful team of wardrobe helpers producing costumes ranging from sepia to a myriad of colour together with fantastic props.  There was tremendous chemistry between Dorothy and her friends and the great energy from all on stage.  We were well supported and profit was made.  A satisfying end to the year and here's to 2017.’




Director: Sally Scurrell

Choreographer: Kimberley Moses

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: New Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich


‘We returned to the New Wolsey Theatre for this production after a break of 20 years.  This less well known show has music and lyrics by David Yazbek who also scored the hugely successful musical version of 'The Full Monty'.

The show is a musical version of the hit film starring Michael Caine and Steve Martin.  We welcomed two newcomers to the Society with Sally Scurrell as Director and Kimberley Moses as Choreographer alongside MD Mike Wren.  Set on the French Riviera, this hilarious comedy opened on Broadway in 2005  and eventually came into the West End in 2015.  The specially constructed and workable set was a delight to work with and credit must go to all involved backstage with this production.  The show was extremely well received by all and played to good houses despite the usual times for Saturday Matinee and Evening performances due to Elton John playing at Portman Road Football Ground.  The show subsequently won the NODA Best Musical in the District and NODA Best Production in the District.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘This Roald Dahl piece was adapted for the two age groups, each story being told by the Narrator.  Backing tracks were used for the music and great fun was had by all.  Thanks again to the leaders and those backstage for all their dedicated help.  Another successful weekend at Henley.’



Production Manager: Stephanie Brown

Production Assistant: Bridget Jackaman

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: St. Peters By The Waterfront


‘A new venue for us to present our showcase of music for 2 days only this year.  Stephanie Brown took on the role of Production Manager, assisted by Bridget Jackaman alongside MD Mike Wren.  They put together a programme of wonderful selections, ranging from Second World War, Elvis, Queen, Sinatra, My Fair Lady and Sister Act to name but a few.  It was extremely well attended and received for both performances and we look forward to performing at St. Peters in the future.’




Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘Another year of hard work by the team to get this show on the road.  The production was a variety show which included songs from some of the best loved shows such as Oliver, Hairspray, Matilda, Annie and Blood Brothers to name but a few.  Well done to all concerned for an entertaining and successful weekend again.’



Director: Owen Berry

Assistant Director: Sally Broatch

Choreographer: Luke Berry

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: The Regent Theatre, St Helens Street, Ipswich


‘When Lerner and Loewe’s My Fair Lady opened on Broadway, it collected six Tony Awards, including Best Musical, while the film version took home eight Oscars, including Best Picture. 

This was the Society's third production of My Fair Lady at the Regent and we welcomed Owen Berry into the role of Director for the first time, ably assisted by Sally Broatch.  The orchestra were on stage and an extended apron was built at the front of the stage for the performers.

The specially constructed minimalist set worked a treat and credit to those involved in the construction.  Credit must also go to the wardrobe team with the majority of costumes sourced locally keeping costs down.  The show played to very good houses and proved that it is still possible for the traditional 'gems' to attract an audience.’



Production Team: Stephanie Brown, Bridget Jackaman and Owen Berry

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: St. Peters by the Waterfront


‘Our second year at St. Peters by the Waterfront and three nights of glorious festive musical arrangements, solos and duets.  It seemed strange to rehearse Christmas melodies while still in the summer months but the end result proved to be well worth all the hard work put in by all concerned.

Stephanie Brown again headed the team of Bridget Jackaman, Owen Berry and Mike Wren.  The church looked a picture with Christmas trees and decorations with the cakes and hot drinks in the interval proving very popular on a winter's evening.  The concert was extremely well received and supported and indeed made a profit for future productions, so here's to performing again at St. Peters Christmas 2019.’




Director: Sally Broatch

Assistant Director: Martin Leigh

Choreographer: Luke Berry

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: New Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich


‘This wonderful wacky show attracted a record number of audition applicants, proving the choice of show to be an overwhelming success. Back at the New Wolsey Theatre this year we had the luxury of a very strong cast of principals, ensemble, dancers, vocal chorus and pit choir. 

From the very first rehearsal there was a buzz of excitement that this show had all the ingredients to be something special. The crew designed and built our wonderful set and the wardrobe team worked tirelessly on the costumes and wigs. Make up was a key issue in this show and one rehearsal was dedicated to getting this aspect right. 

Tickets quickly sold out and there was a standing ovation every performance. What a great show and congratulations to the skilful production team and everyone involved whether on or off stage. With every effort made to keep costs down a small profit was made, a great achievement when producing a full-scale musical at the Wolsey

The show subsequently won the NODA award for 'Best Musical’ in the district as well as the NODA ‘Best Overall Production’ in the  district.’



Venue: Henley Community Centre


‘The yearly visit to Henley Community Centre to see First Stage in action is always something to look forward to and this year was no exception. Led by Roxy Last and her team was a selection of some of the most well-known musicals performed by both the younger and older children. It included ‘Guys & Dolls’, Half a Sixpence’, ‘Chicago’ and ‘The Greatest Showman’ to name but a few. As always, thanks to all concerned who work tirelessly throughout the year to give the youngsters their time to shine.’



Production Team: Stephanie Brown, Bridget Jackaman and Owen Berry

Musical Director: Mike Wren

Venue: St. Peters by the Waterfront


‘Our third consecutive year performing at St. Peters by the Waterfront and this year four nights starting Tuesday 10th December and finishing 13th December.  It's always rather strange singing christmas carols and selections at the end of the summer but with such a varied programme it requires maximum rehearsal time.  We had some wonderful arrangements and it was extremely well received each night along with the refreshments in the interval which have become so much a part of the evening and indeed boost profit made for our funds.  The church looked a picture thanks to Owen Berry with his artistic flair.  The concert ended on the Friday night with BBC Radio Suffolk recording us and this was edited to a one-hour broadcast to be aired twice, one of which was Christmas Day.  A lovely end to a very successful week.’

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